Tuesday 6 August 2013

Why should we make time to meditate

In today's modern and hectic society, more and more people are getting stressed, anxious, angry and depressed about a number of things from isolated incidence to long ongoing problems.

Meditation or mindfulness training can help you to become relaxed, calm and more aware of your thoughts. Most of all, it is a technique that has been used for thousands of years to control the mind and deal with thoughts. By doing meditation you are allowing yourself to look deeper at your thoughts and by doing specific meditations you will be able to harness this crazy out of control monkey mind.

For example, when we look at anger in meditation, we see that not only does anger cause us mental discomfort but it also causes us to develop physical problems like raised blood pressure, our body gets hot and sweaty and in extreme cases can cause heart attacks. So we can clearly see that we are causing our own problems and suffering by allowing ourselves to get angry. Often anger starts out as a small problem, then we allow our mind to go over and over it, till like a Catherine wheel it’s out of control and extremely hard to stop. When this happens you have to just ride it out till there is no fuel left.
So we can clearly see that anger really hold no purpose, other than to cause us mental and physical problems, so what is the remedy?

Well by doing meditation or mindfulness training, you will be able to notice your thought patterns more than you would normally, and this will allow you to control whether you get angry or not. As most of the time anger is an instant reaction and we are not aware of how much of a hold anger has till it’s out of control. But meditation or mindfulness training allows you to see it at the very start when anger is easier to control, and like a fire put out if you so desire.

Often when talking about anger, people always say that suppressing anger can cause more problems such as cancer in extreme cases, and this is true. However when you truly understand that anger has no purpose and only servers to make you mentally and physically unwell then the anger is much easier to let go of, as if we suppress the anger and believe it, this is where I feel the problems start. This can seem like a hard concept to understand, but for me it has worked and I’m sure it can help you too.

Meditation can help with a number of problems and can help you reach levels of relaxation that are now scientifically proven. Scientist have done extensive research on long term mediators. They say that parts of the brain that control positive happy thoughts are larger than average, while the parts of the brain associated with negative thoughts are almost nonexistent in long term meditators.

I feel that by doing meditation regularly like these long term meditators we can all become more happy content people.
To me it makes sense to take some time out of our hectic lives to stop and take care of ourselves to cultivated loving kindness and happiness. As let’s face it, there aren’t many people out there that don’t like people being kind to them. 

Meditation doesn't have to associated with an organised religion, it can thus be used as a way to lean to relax and control the mind more. 

Thanks for your time and if you have any questions then don’t hesitate to drop me a line.

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