Friday 19 May 2017

I don't have time to meditate!

I hear the phrase "I don't have time to meditate!" an awful lot, when people talk to me about meditation.

Meditation for some people just isn't a priority. I mean we have a thousand different things going on in our life's, at any given moment, so its easy to see why we don't have time for meditation.
But maybe the problem isn't that we don't have time, maybe it's that we are too busy, and rarely take time out, to recover from this stressful life we lead.
We see that stress and anxiety, along with other states of mental health, are on the rise, due, I feel to the crazy life we lead, trying to see all our friends, spend time with our partner and the kids, while juggling a job at the same time. But something that we rarely do, is stop and make time for ourselves, not in a selfish way, but more in a way to help you, be a better you at all the other tasks you do.

Meditation helps you to relax at times of stress, letting go of the constant feeling of worry, but this isn't evident after doing a little meditation one or twice a week.
The thing with meditation is, that it's like taking your mind to the gym, the more you do, the better your mind will function. If you do the least you can, you will probably just maintain instead of making any noticeable improvements. That being said, a sitting of meditation, may make you feel relaxed at that time, but you might not see the full benefit till you do a regular meditation practice.
It's like learning anything new, the more you do, the more instinctual you become at it.
So for someone who is an experienced meditator, they may well be able to remain calm at extremely stressful times, enabling them to do things, not clouded by the stress that is surrounding them.

I think that with all the problems we experience, taking five to thirty minutes a day, maybe more if you decide, later down the line, will help you to better cope with the stresses of life.

For me, I started doing meditation when I suffered with a server bout of anxiety, it was crippling at the time, but my recovery was sped along by the meditation I learnt at a class in my local area.
My recovery from anxiety was swift, and through regular mediation, I've managed to kept it under control.

I do my meditation every morning, and it's become the most important thing I do, as soon as I rise.
The reason why it's great to do in the morning, is that you set yourself up for your day, relaxed and ready to take on anything, but also, it means that if I don't do it for any reason, I will have the opportunity to make time later in the day, if I can fit it in. But doing your meditation at a time to suit you is key, I just find the morning works well for me, as my partner is still asleep and once its done, its done, leaving me free for the rest of the day, to do whatever I have planned.

Like most things in life, we make things a priority, some more than others. Meditation for me is my top priority, as it helps me cope with all my other priories in a much more stress free and relaxed way. Now isn't that what we are all looking for?

If your reading this, and you are someone who has told yourself and others, you don't have time for meditation, but really want to give it a go, there are some great app's out there, lots of them are free to get you started. There will no doubt be meditation classes in your local area, that will get you started also and will be able to guide you, if you should have any questions or any problems.

Learning to meditate is one of the most effective tools to deal with stress and bring a state of calmness to a hectic and stressful world, so why not give it a go and find a calmer and more relaxed you!


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